My debut horror novella Crimson Sky is released on Amazon

 I released my debut horror novella titled Crimson Sky as a paperback and Kindle edition on Amazon. My local newspaper was kind enough to write a short piece on my release, which details my ambitions in combining two separate mediums of entertainment. Both written fiction and atmospheric music come together in this hybrid work of art, which I designed to be enjoyed all at once! If you don't believe me, try it out for yourself and dive deep into the horrors of my imagination. This story was brewing for many years prior to its release and its interweaving with music was a deliberate choice to create a more immersive and tense reading experience. Its scenes were inspired by instrumental and dark brooding music that I would sometimes listen to as a teenager. My mind would always play a scene or collage of visuals when I listened to music without words. This was my vision put into motion and fully realized as Crimson Sky. Check it out now on Amazon

Stefan Walczak Newspaper Clipping Crimson Sky Debut Novella


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