A change in productivity - Thoughts about new AI technology

Nowadays, AI is speeding up everything. This post is entirely human, but that can’t be said of others across the web. This forced me to face a somewhat moral dilemma: as time has become more precious and other priorities have overtaken my writing, what if I was able to have a partial assist with AI while still inserting my evergreen content and human experiences? True, this is a quandary faced by scholars the world over already, as AI is becoming increasingly difficult to detect. However, as the technological landscape evolves, should we be held back by our human limits, or should we learn to work alongside AI? As AI begins to operate and translate all manner of operational functions, we as humans must also operate as the watchers, the guard rails, the gatekeepers, without allowing AI or Chat AI to operate in any singular fashion. This wasn’t the design of AI, as Skynet or Legion from the Terminator franchise has warned us all along. AI isn’t supposed to be sentient, ...